Ugh, so sore
Yeah, 30 hours on an airplane will do that to you. So I made it to Sydney, no problems with anything. Hong Kong was cool, I took a 3 hour tour there. It wasn't wall-to-wall people like I expected; it was the last day of Chinese New Year so most people were home sleeping off hangovers I guess. At least I would've been.
So a couple pictures from the tour here. This was some nice role-reversal; I was the one in the bus taking pictures in an Asian country. :) The first one is a bridge. I had a hard time understanding the tour guide lady so we thought she said that the Hong Kong airport was a lot like the suspension bridge in San Francisco. Yeah... confusing at first. Second one is a nice smoggy shot of the city. All the expensive houses are up on the top of the hill there. From what I made out the farther up you go the more expensive it gets.

You can get the full-sized images from here.
So yeah, I'm in Sydney now. Pretty cool place so far, haven't had much of a chance to wander around yet but that on my list of things to do after I get a decent sleep.
Not much else to tell other than a minor fiasco with some guy getting lost in Hong Kong when a girl on the tour was holding his plane ticket for him. Ouch... still don't know whether that one got sorted out or whether the guy even made it back to the airport. Ah well, I'm beginning to see that maybe I'm not really a dumbass compared to a lot of people.
Yeah, thats it. Me so tired.
I was betting dingo. But there's still time! Oh, and we have some fuel for you to import...
Yeah, I'll get right on that fuel... and it was a dingo and a croc, they teamed up on me.
Awww... I'm not around to entertain you anymore. Awwwwwwwwwwwwww :)
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