Christmas post!
Merry Christmas everyone! Now that it's actually that time it is kinda weird to be in such a warm climate for the holidays, but the lack of Christmas carols everywhere makes up for everything else :) Not that I don't like them, it's just that I can only stand so many elevator-music versions of Jingle Bells. heh.
Well, good to see I'm not missed back home... the alcohol bill is probably a lot less this year too :)

Weird family, huh? hahahaha.
Well, I'm seriously dripping with sweat here, so I'm gonna go hang out in my air-conditioned room and drink some Christmas beers with Dani. Hope everyone has happy holidays!
Merry Christmas, Brad! Also--my page has changed, I've just kept the general information-type post at the top, ha.
Everytime I see you I scream. Mom won't let me open your presents either.
Ah. The post from the future is at the top. Gotcha.
I have presents? Cool. I'm surprised Santa couldn't track me down over here though.
Hahaha, if only the new Brad was at all skinny. And could nurse a beer that long.
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