Here sharky sharky sharky!
Well, I'm back in Broome again for another few days. This last trip on the boat was great, so I've decided to stay on with the boat when it heads up to Darwin. It's a 7-day trip to Darwin, then another two days to the spot we anchor. We're going to be close to a little town called Gove. (I haven't managed to find it on any maps or anything yet) Apparently we're going to be close to this little island that has a nice beach and some reefs, so I'm going to pick up some snorkelling equipment before I head out. This trip is a little longer... about 4-5 weeks. Heh. So I expect to be finished and back to Darwin by mid-November. On one hand, it's a long time being cut off from the outside world (more than I am usually)... but on the other hand I won't have to work again in Australia. Which would be sweet.
I doubt I'll be able to get on the internet at all there, so this'll likely be my last blog post for a while. I know... I apologize in advance to those who will write angry emails.
This'll be a busy few days while I'm back... tonight is the Harvest party being thrown by the pearl company I'm working for... free food and drinks at a nice local hotel. Hmm... I guess that's it. Did I say busy? Ah well.
Got a few new pictures up on Flickr, but most of the ones I took were pretty similar to the last time I was out. One decent picture of the bigger shark that was hanging around, and one of Lasse jumping off the top of the boat. There's a picture of me jumping off, of course... but his turned out a lot better.

Whew. I don't wanna leave the internet cafe here. It's so fricken hot here... I looked at the forecast for the next week and every day it's 35 degrees and clear. And I'm heading up to Darwin... it'll likely be over 40 pretty often there. It's getting near the beginning of the Wet season in the north too.
Ugh. Not much of a last post before going out, but my head kinda hurts this morning. Can't understand why. All I did last night was have a few drinks at the local gentleman's club. I mean pub. Irish pub. Sigh...
Enjoy the cold weather everyone! (not now I guess, but Novemberish. haha)
Hope you have a good time and enjoy the warm weather. It's still quite cool here in Perth, WA but starting to warm up. Glad you've found something you enjoy! Have enjoyed your posts and will miss not having any recent ones to read! Cheers
pip pip, cheerio. Jolly good time at the gentlemens club I trust.
Have a good trip on the boat, talk to you when you get back!
Ahh, sorry Mel. If I was a little more high-tech 'n stuff I could do some sort of cell-phone posting I think. But, y'know. The laziness. Plus I don't think I'll be doing much all that interesting.
Hey Kristen, I wish it was a little cooler here! Darwin's going to be way too hot for me I'm sure.
Heh. Yaah, you need to be online more often in the evenings there Martin, I haven't seen you on MSN since I was in Perth.
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