6 months!
Yay, been in Australia for 6 months now. I can hardly remember what Canada is like now... I have to concentrate for a while to remember what it was like to drive on the right hand side of the road, or what our 110V outlets looked like, or how stinking hot it gets in the summer. haha. Hungry Jack's instead of Burger King seems normal, I agree when people complain about how cold it is when the temperature is +15 degrees... and no pennies (which is fantastic).
So my plane ticket's good until the beginning of February next year. I don't have a return date set yet, but I'll have to decide pretty soon I suppose.
Lets see... updates. Hmm. Well, there was a reason I haven't posted in a while, and thats cause I've been doing nothing. The odd bit of drinking, working, sleeping, guitar... same as the last couple months. But the next couple of weeks are going to be great! We're leaving mid-day Saturday, and have two weeks of freedom. And beaches. I can't wait.
So nothing really new until after the trip. Then I promise heaps of good pictures, and plenty of stupid stories. Our drinks of choice for the trip have already been planned, good 'ol White Russians. Our route hasn't been figured out yet, but our drinks have. heh. We have our priorities straight, that's for sure.
One picture this time, yet another sunset over the ocean. There doesn't seem to be much else I can upload right now, just parts of town that I've been to, jobs I've done at work, and parts of my walk to work. Nothing that interesting.

Work has been pretty busy. Steve's taken on a few too many jobs the last couple weeks, so we've been working flat out the whole time. He's still behind on just about every job... his phone is ringing almost non-stop all day (mostly customers wanting to know when the job is going to get done). Only two more days though, and I'll once again become a bum. Hopefully a beach bum this time.
Okay, time to go keep people awake with my guitar for a while, then off to bed myself.
are you sticking around Broome when you're finished your roadtrip?
Yaah, probably. I don't exactly need to work anymore for a while now, but I'll still probably be looking for a job when I get there. Plus there's supposed to be nice beaches there. haha
A bored cruwysinator is a dangerous cruwysinator!
haha your blanket is pink. You wouldn't believe how many people asked where you were at the reunion.
random relative: "Where's Brad?"
Allie: "Australia"
random relative: "Oh, that's nice."
And you would've been extremely proud of my golfing.
Well, prepare to be bored Mel. I'm gonna be too busy doing stuff the next couple weeks to be posting or anything. You'll have to entertain yourself. haha
Heh... so how bad was your golfing? Did you hit Jenny...? Is that why I'd be proud of you? haha
It wasn't too too bad....and no, I didn't hit Jenny. Just Cindy. I kid, I kid.
How am I supposed to reply to you on MSN if I'm at work huh? HUH??
Brad--come back online and distract me from my job!
Seriously: don't you realize that the whole purpose of you going to Australia was so that we could have MSN conversations?
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