On a lighter note...
Well, this week is off to a good start. Monday afternoon I went with my friend Gaston to the airport where his girlfriend from Japan was flying in. He had the great idea to sing to her when she appeared in the terminal, and recruited me to play accompany him on guitar. He wanted to sing a romantic song, so we picked "I Don't Want to Miss a Thing" by Aerosmith. Now, first of all... Gaston isn't exactly the greatest singer. And he's certainly no Steven Tyler. We were practicing in the morning in a quiet corner of the park nearby, and an old guy walked by with his dog. Gaston doesn't have much in the way of volume control, and this guy just glared at him, and walked away shaking his head. heh.
It turned out really good though. After waiting around for an hour with Gaston getting more and more nervous (he sweats and hops around a lot), he spotted her coming out, and started singing at the top of his lungs. We practised the song pretty slow, but he was blasting through it. I had a hard time keeping up... but what Gaston lacks in talent, he sure made up for in volume. The look on her face was priceless when she saw him... and the whole arrival terminal gave us a big round of applause after we finished (possibly because we'd actually finished. haha). Here's a picture of them afterwards... if you look close enough you can still see a few stunned looks on people around them.

So that was fun. Other than that I've got my travel plans pretty much figured out. Stefan, Tarja, Ann and I are going to rent a car in a few weeks and travel around Western Australia for 2 weeks, ending up north in Broome (break out your maps). Should be much warmer up there... and nothing more exciting than a road trip. There's should be plenty to do also... go swimming with dolphins, learn to surf, whitewater rafting... who knows what we'll actually do, but it'll be fun no matter what.
I had a request to see how I'm living here, and what my room is like, so here's a picture of my corner of the room I'm in. There's two bunk beds behind me, currently occupied by three English guys who came in last night as I was getting up to go out to work. :) At least they didn't wake me up! haha

And yes, I know... it's a pink blanket. It was handed to me, and I was cold. haha
Nothing else for now, other than to show off last week's profits. The only thing better than being paid in lots of cash is to be paid in lots of colourful cash :)

looking at how far it is up the coast from Perth to Broome (over 2000 km's) that should be quite the fun roadtrip!
new post brad...
Bah! I'll post when I get a chance. Y'know, I'm so busy over here and all...
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