End of another era
Perth has been pretty cool so far. It's been very rainy though... every time I leave the hostel to go for a walk I seem to get rained on. Other than that, I haven't really done that much here, other than look for a job and sit around playing guitar :)
Yesterday I actually went out of the hostel and hung out with Kristen... we went to the museum and a cafe downtown. I met her on the plane ride from Canada, and we hung out in Hong Kong... she's here in Perth going to teacher's college. Good to talk to someone without an accent every once in a while. heh
So... end of an era. My brother sells his good car, and I finally got a new haircut. What do you guys think?

business up top, party in the back... I don't see how you can go wrong.
Please, please tell me that was only half way through the haircut. I'll never be able to set you up with a cute med student looking like that!
Yeah, no way I can go wrong with that.
...and of course it was only halfway through the haircut. The barber had to shorten the front some more :)
Please tell me this is a cruel, cruel joke.
ps. i moved into an apartment across from the Go-Go Club today...new job for me!
Congrats Allie... I guess? I'm sure there's jobs for all.
AHAHAHA!!.....I like It!!
Heh, knew you would John :)
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