Stayin' aive.
Ahh... despite the urge to go out drinking the night before the run common sense prevailed. Stupid common sense... what's it ever done for me? haha
So my leg of the run was 9.4kms, and I did it in a little over 45 minutes. Not too bad for very (very!) little training. Getting out of bed the day after was a bit of an adventure though.
I was very happy with how it went... I didn't even have to stop and walk or anything. Plus, the whole time I was blowing by old people running the full marathon. A few people tried to pass me, but since the track was by the river in town here it was pretty easy to bump them over the railing into the water. Some people have no sense of competition... I have no idea what they were yelling about afterwards?
heh. A couple pictures from the run; me sprinting to the finish of my leg at the relay point, and a group shot of three of us that did parts of the run. Yeah, I know I'm not exactly styling it up. I had to run in my crappy black bar shoes, and the hostel gave us all shirts to wear so I wore a yellow collared shirt.

L-R; Gaston from Argentina, me, and Murray from New Zealand. The fourth guy was from South Africa, and he was kinda missing in action for a while. He ran to where I started, which was the furthest point away from the start/finish line. His plan was to ride his bike back to the finish here, but he left it at the wrong relay point. He ended up walking about 15km (after his run) to get back to the hostel... since he forgot his bike key also :)
Other than that bit of fun, it's been work work work. I've been going to the gym steadily with those two guys in the picture (it's tough to keep up with Murray!), plus the crappy job and jobsearching on my day off.
Guess I've done a bit otherwise... took the train to Fremantle down by the ocean on the weekend with another Canadian (Kevin, from Moose Jaw) and took some pictures. Got a nice shot of the sunset...

Well, to make up for not going out Saturday night tonight'll have to do. I have the day off tomorrow so it should be a good one. It's almost been a couple weeks since I've had a drink! (almost longer than my attempt at taking a month off...hahaha)
Eeeh. Sorry about the lack of interesting posts lately. It's hard to do anything but boring stuff when you're working or working out most of the time. Go read Pam's blog; she's actually doing exciting stuff :)
HAHAHAH you posted a link to my blog!! That's awesome. I will try to live up to the honour and keep it exciting :) It's not hard when you deal with crazy Americans in the desert all day.
Hope the drinking went well! I knew that swearing off it wouldn't last long.
Heh, now all three of the people that look at my blog somewhat regularly can look at yours too.
...and stop making me look bad! :)
O Burn!
Save Up To 90%
Quality Brand Name and Generic
Licensed Physicians & Pharmacists act now! save now!
Ouch Mel, just ouch. So much for bringing you back presents!
I was gonna save up to 90% on your gifts, but for one thing I have no idea where to go to save 90%. And what products am I saving on? Sheesh, if you're gonna spam do it right!
Quality Generic Presents.
Haha, I know how you're a sucker for shiny objects.
Do you think you could fit a kangaroo in your pack? That's what I want. Please.
I'll take a cute aussie thanks!
Wouldn't that be ironic, if I put a kangaroo in my pouch. Is that irony? Meh, it's something.
And koala's are actually extremely vicious animals. The second you get too close, bam!!! It isn't pretty.
I'll work on that cute Aussie for you Martin. That should make for an interesting pickup line. "So, I have this brother back home, he's a software engineer..."
just don't tell 'em where he lives though, huh...
What about me? Bring me a cute Aussie! Oh wait I'll come and get one... hmmm...
I miss you Brad! How bout another Post?
Heh. Miss you too Dani. I'm not even going to try and pick up an Aussie guy for you though :)
...New post very soon!
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