Bam ba lam
Heh, been a while. I promised drunken bar pictures (I think) and drunken bar pictures there are. See them here. Nothing anyone hasn't seen before anyways, me drinking.
Still working at the same job... it's really not too bad and Steve is a really cool guy. He knows that the hostel here has nights out at the bar Wednesday nights, so he suggested I take Thursday off so I could go out. How cool is that? I think he may have just wanted to go golfing, but still.
Been keeping busy otherwise... still going to the gym with Murray most nights and as soon as my running shoes get here from Canada I'm going to start running again. I went out today with Gaston and a couple other guys to play a bit of football (soccer) and it was kind of an eye-opener to how badly I'm out of shape. Went down to Fremantle again Saturday, and went on a tour of the prison there. Interesting place... seemed a lot like a prison out of the movies. They shut it down in the early 90's because of sanitary problems; they had no plumbing in the cells, just buckets. Ugh.

Anyways. Most of the pictures I've been uploading so far have just been of places... since I haven't been to many new places in the last month or so I guess I'm overdue to post a few of the people I've been hanging out with here. Most are at the local backpacker's bar, Black Betty's. Every night a live band, and lots of cheap drinks. There are a half dozen people that have been at the hostel as long as me, so you get to know them pretty well. Other people, like Val, Karen or Anne are just passing through and only stay a week or two. It's a good mix though; keeps things interesting and you're always meeting new people. I tried to find the most flattering pictures of everyone, but it's hard when everyone's making faces at you all the time :)
As always, a couple more random pictures. Here's me posing, out for a walk in East Perth. Also, City Hall in Fremantle.

Nothing much else is new. I dyed my hair, in case you hadn't noticed. It's kinda dark brown now. I like it... still could be a little longer though. Ummm... other than that nothing really new with me.
Well... my plan anyways is to work at this place for another few weeks likely, then head south towards Albany. It might be a little cool at nights to do now, but I'd like to do some bushwalking along the coast down there. There's supposed to be a nice track that runs from Perth to Albany; some 900kms long. I think walking a section of that would be cool. I'm having a great time here right now though... it's good to be kinda settled into a place like this where you get to know a lot of different people. And Perth is a really nice city, it seems like a much smaller place most of the time. Still, the urge to get moving is starting up again, so I'll probably stick it out here for a while longer then head out. I have to do cheap things now though; I'm too far in debt to go spending like crazy again.
Another post later this week; I've been slacking :)
gots to get me some travelling, sounds like you're having a blast.
Yes, yes I am. And yes, you should. So... to summarize, yes.
Cheesedick? Where'd that come from?
I was looking at your pictures haha ha
You dyed your hair?? That seems so...metrosexual!
Metrosexual? hahahaha!! You know me!
Next on my list is pink shirts. :)
I dunno. Sheesh. Go back to the picture and imagine that guy calling you a cock-smoking cheesedick. You don't ask.
Awesome pics Brad! Glad to see that you are having a blast!
Sarah A :)
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