Melbourne... again
Well, here I am in Melbourne... for the third time. It's much better this time around, since I know a lot more people and can talk Canadian to someone again. Even if she's not a hockey fan. :) For those of you who don't know her, Dani's a good friend of mine from university... we lived in residence together first year and a student house second year.
Anyways... the rest of the road trip was pretty good... driving between Esperance and Adelaide was pretty boring most of the time... not a lot to see and a whole lot of driving. After getting on some penicillin I was feeling much better, so that made the trip a whole lot more fun. It took us two and a half days to do that part of the drive... we ended up staying in a couple caravan parks along the way. The first night was the most fun driving, we were trying to make it to the border between Western Australia and South Australia, but it was pretty dark... and there were flocks (packs... gaggles...?) of kangaroos all over. I was driving that leg, and had to do a couple emergency maneuvers to avoid some of them. heh.
Oooh, I'll post some pictures now. My pictures are so much better than any explanation of the trip. In order... a beach outside of Esperance, Lasse and a kangaroo and a nice sunset behind a wind farm.

After staying in Adelaide a couple days we did pretty much the reverse of the last trip I did from Melbourne to Adelaide along the Great Ocean Road. Pretty cool this time though, one of the 12 Apostles (the big tourist spot on the road) collapsed about a month after I was there last. Check out before and after. Kinda rained a lot on that part of the drive, but sunny enough to see everything.
Yep... so Melbourne again! We all stayed at one hostel for a couple days when we first got here.. the most ridiculously expensive place I've stayed in my whole time in Austraia... $28 a night. Most places are around $20... I was paying $11 a night in Perth. So, we've moved to another place that's a little dirtier but much cheaper... my fifth hostel in Melbourne actually.
So tonight me and Dani are leaving town finally... I think she's getting a little irratated at me being so lazy all the time. I keep telling her it's not laziness, it's experience! haha. But we're finally moving on to Sydney... taking the bus up overnight tonight. Our (rough) plan is to rent a car in Sydney and travel up to Cairns, then fly over to New Zealand sometime around New Years. At least I think that's the plan :) I'm not much for long-term planning of details. heh. Should be a great time though. Dani's got some ideas of what to do (including Beef 'n Reef... I think it was a tour of a cattle station then snorkelling on a reef... strange), plus she has a platinum Visa card... so I think I'm in good hands :)
Well, gonna burn some more picture CD's for Lasse and Haruna then I'm off to pack. And by pack, I mean nap. :)
wohooo back to sydney. That's got to be weird, almost a year after arriving there and only being there for a few days.
Only one day actually... we're picking up a rental car tomorrow and heading out. :) But yeah, pretty weird... I missed arriving back on my 10-month anniversary by a day.
You keep track of month-iversaries of visiting cities??!!! Good lord need a woman. You clearly have far too much time on your hands!
Brad smells.
Watch out for the rioting in Sydney.
I almost bought you a christmas present the other day but then I remembered Christmas for you is cancelled because you're not here...mwa i bought something for myself instead.
Ouch... my pride.
Nice going Allie. You can still buy stuff for me, I don't mind getting lots of presents in February... :)
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