Stupid clouds
The last few days its been overcast, and only like 25 degrees out. Sigh... I know, its rough. Anyways, I've been in Merimbula the last few days after Bateman's Bay. Most of these little towns along the coast are pretty similar I've noticed. You've got a couple main streets with all the shops, a bunch of motels and hotels along the coast, and internet cafes that charge way too much. haha
Some pictures... this is from a walk to Pambula, about 11-12kms round trip from Merimbula. Heh, I love their sense of humour around here. I couldn't stop laughing for a while after I saw this one.

A couple more...

There's the beach from Pambula back towards Merimbula, and a shot of some of the locals. These kangaroos were pretty tame, they just sat around waiting to be fed. Quite different from the others I'd seen in the wild. Those ones took off before I could even take out my camera most of the time.
Eeeh, not much to do around here when its not sunny out. I still went out snorkelling a couple times yesterday and today. Can't see all that much compared to when its sunny, but I saw a couple big sting rays, and tons of fish. Pretty cool.
Anyways... my plans for the next couple days are kinda sketchy. There's a 5 day hike along the coast down in Victoria that I want to do, but its kind of out of the way from the highway my bus goes down. So, the plan is to get off at the closest town (at 1 in the morning when the bus passes through) and find a place to stay, then probably thumb my way to the start of the walk. Should be nice though, if I make it there. Coming out at the end of the walk is the same deal, but I doubt I'll have any problems.
After that, I've gotta start working so I'll be heading all the way to Melbourne and looking for an apartment for a month or so and a job. Woohoo!
Yeah, thats it. I know, exciting stuff! Well, I'll post again in a week or so if I live. haha
ha! the weather here has been sunny the last day or so... and minus 15. Damnit!
Love the Dingo Street sign, like a dingo.
any foxes around there? ;)
get a job!!
Hey Brad, glad to see your having fun, im so have to try surfing for me
chow, Brittany
Hey there Brad!
Wonderful site. Glad you made it to your next destination. Good luck on finding a job. Talk to you soon.
Hey Brad it's Aunt Lynn,
I got your Bloger from Bonnie and Grandpa Ted. Your new camera takes fab pics! I am enjoying seeing them and reading about your walk about. Good show mate! Hasta luego amigo! God Bless
Thanks for the comments. Good to know people are reading this, even though I haven't had that much to say yet. To answer everyone in order:
1. Die!
2. Die!
3. Yeah, I've finally got my tan good enough that I wouldn't blind everyone else out on the beach, so I think I'll try surfing out soon.
4. Thanks Kristen, I like the way your site is laid out too.
5. Aunt Lynn! Good to hear from you. Glad you're enjoying the reading :)
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