...Internet fix!
Whoo, another post! Marc and Dani are probably typing something up right now, so I've gotta keep up!
Franz Josef was amazing... if you haven't seen the pictures I uploaded yet, me and Marc had a fantastic day for the glacier. Our guide told us they get 40 metres of snow at the top of the glacier every year, so having a clear day like that was pretty rare.

That last picture there were two guides making us work to fill in a crevasse so we could continue. Well... they were working, we were playing around. Idle hands, y'know? heh.
Franz Josef was a nice little tourist town anyways... our first night there before the glacier tour, Marc and I attempted a pub crawl... but since there were only two bars, that kind of got cut short. We tried though, we tried. haha
So, after we left Franz Josef we drove further up the West coast, and stayed in a nice little caravan park just north of Greymouth. After that we drove across to Christchurch again, showed Marc the sights, bought way too much cheap chocolate (I didn't eat a bite!!), and started heading up north. Stopped for an afternoon at some hot springs in Hanmer Springs, then stayed in Kaikoura, and now are up in Blenheim. Here's a driving shot just past Arthur's Pass.

I really didn't think we would get up to the top of the island this quickly, and now we've got four days left on the rental, and a quick drive up to Picton to drop the car off. Guess we'll do a little tour around the top of the island or something! It'd be nice to do a little bit of tramping for a couple days, but we'll see whether that'll work out. I know we're going to have a beach day soon anyways... Marc is still disgustingly white :)
Yeah, they don't exactly have alligators here. I'll see what I can do though? I understand about not reading things anymore though... all those big confusing words I use!
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