Old man, look at my life...
Yay, turned 25 yesterday! Now I can... uhh... there's really no more good ages, are there? It's all downhill from here... haha
So, once again, nothing really new with me, but I'll post out of boredom anyways. Those are always so exciting!
Let's see... last weekend I went over to Kitchener to visit my friend John, he started a new job a few weeks ago. Me and a couple of his friends went out for a night on the town in Waterloo, that was fun. I took some time to look at some used cars too, not that I can get one until I get a job or anything, but it's fun to look :)
I've been looking after some chinchillas too... some friends of my parents are in Egypt for a few weeks, so I go up and feed them, and clean out the dead. I don't know what's going on, but they're dropping like flies! I mean, how can you screw up feeding them, and giving them water? I dunno. I've got their truck for a couple weeks to get out there too, here's me posing with it. heh.

Oh yeah, I'm a hick.
It's been fantastic weather here this week too, I've had a chance to get outside quite a bit, being unemployed and all. Monday I went out to the driving range at Oak Hills, and this afternoon I went out and played 18. Not the best round ever, I'm a little rusty and my short game is horrendous... but it was still fun.

Not much else new, other than a job interview I had Wednesday in Trenton. I think I did alright, considering that it was my first interview since Harveys back in high school. :) Hopefully I'll get it and rejoin the real world soon.
In order to be a real hick that truck needs to be MUCH dirtier, you should be wearing a grubby old baseball cap or a cowboy hat, and you should have a caption that says something like - Give 'er go!
if you get the job we can CARPOOL!!
Woo, carpooling! Let's, ah, give 'er a go?
Whew. That was an effort. I don't think I'm cut out for this hick business.
come out to the farm for a weekend with rob and dennis...they'll train you up real fast
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