Mmm... cats.
Just a quick post to show I'm still determined to post more frequently... :)
So I moved into my new apartment a few weeks ago, I'm very happy with how it is living there so far. It's very comfortable and the drive in to work isn't too bad. I've started taking the 407 on the way home, it cuts about half an hour off the commute. Costs me $3.00 for each trip, but I think that's worth it. My company owns part of the 407, so I figure I'm just helping to pay my salary each trip. hah. Here's a couple pictures of the new place... it's tough to take good pictures in confined spaces!

Got my new car last weekend too! Very exciting... it's a 2002 Golf TDI GLS. It's got a sunroof, heated seats and mirrors, and of course it's a 5-speed. I'm very happy with the mileage I'm getting, especially after having to fill up 3 times a week with the Fiero. I was getting at the most 250kms on a tank with that, this first tank of diesel with the Golf I got 900.

That's all for now, I still don't have internet at home so I'm borrowing my brother's computer for a bit to upload some pictures on Flickr and do all the stuff I feel bad about doing while I'm supposed to be working. :)