She'll be right!
Well, I'm now in Adelaide. Good 'ol Southern Australia. Melbourne was getting kinda crappy anyways. I ended up moving to a different hostel there, in St. Kilda. That's a suburb south from the city centre on the water. This had to be the dirtiest hostel I've been in yet. The room had an odd smell to it because some guy from Alaska was using the room as his personal garbage dump. Ugh...
So on Tuesday I took a tour from Melbourne to Adelaide along the Great Ocean Road. My first time going on a tour bus... it was actually a lot of fun. Most of the time on the tour I was hanging out with a few Scots and a few Irish guys. Needless to say... the nights were the best part of the trip. Although waking up the next day was usually an adventure.
Our tour guide's name (no kidding) was Steve. He was absolutely hilarious... he was so stereotypically Australian we were all laughing just from hearing him talk. To him, everything was "sensational."
So a few pictures. I've lost my download cable for my camera so pictures are gonna be harder to post all the time. And a new one is forty bucks... just for a stupid cable. gah!

In order: a lizard at the Melbourne Zoo, the Twelve Apostles along the Great Ocean Road, and some koalas. Heh, so cute.
Lotsa cool stuff to see. Heh, we made a lot of picture stops along the Great Ocean Road, and looking back through my pictures they all look the same. It was all so pretty that it was hard not to take another picture. Ah well.
Hrm. Last night here was an interesting one. Me, the Irish guys and a couple English girls went out on the town. Not the best night for self-control. I ended up spending an absolutely disgusting amount of money on booze, so I've decided to take from now until the end of June off. No more alcohol for a month... should be healthier at least. Its a good thing this hostel I'm at here is really quiet... I slept in until after 3 in the afternoon and have had a good day of lying around feeling sorry for myself :)
Ah well. I've booked a train ride out to Perth on Thursday. So I've got a few more days to hang around town here. Tomorrow I'm going to hire a bike for the day from the hostel here and tour around, and hopefully later this week I'll be able to get to a hockey game. (there's an arena pretty close by... woohoo!)
Well, I'm off to nurse my hangover some more. Sigh...