Beer... thats good!
Okay, one last post before I join the working world again. heh.
I'm starting a job tomorrow (Tuesday) doing tree planting. Woohoo! It has free accomodation and free meals so thats good. And its supposed to pay around $17 an hour, but it depends on how hard you work. So hopefully I'll be able to make a little more than that. This is for the same company I worked at briefly a few weeks ago, so I already know a bunch of the guys that're going to be there. Also there's a French-Canadian guy I met (who has a car, sweet!) that's supposed to be working there too.
So I'm in Hobart right now anyways. Its the capital of Tasmania, down to the south-east of the island. The day after the last post I called about this job and found out I could start on Tuesday (Monday's a holiday here). So I wanted to travel around a little bit before I started that, and spend what little money I had remaining. :) So I met a Dutch guy at the hostel in Launceston that had a rental car for another couple days, and I asked if I could tag along. heh. So we went to a place on the east coast called Wineglass Bay, that was very nice... and a good spot for a swim too! We were the only people swimming, I can't figure out why... :) Lets just say I almost disappeared completely after swimming. haha

Hiked around there for the afternoon, then went south to Port Arthur. This was an old penal colony back in the day.

We stayed in a hostel there for the night... and I ran into a German girl who I met on the Overland Track. Kinda cool running into someone you know out here! Me and Karel (Dutch guy) had to return the rental in Hobart Friday morning, and Mel (German girl) was going to Hobart also, so we went out for some beers Friday night.
Uhhh... what a night. We started out in a pub called Irish Murphys, which wasn't that bad. It was a dark beer night for me, so it was a good place to get some Guinnesses. (y'know, a pint of Guinness or five...) I'd already had a few beers before we got there back at the hostel too :) Anyways, we left that bar and went to another one where they had Hoegaarden. Mmmmmmm. A few of those, then we left and went back to Irish Murphys again. There was a band there by then so that was cool. Dancing and drinking the rest of the night, till we stumbled back to the hostel. Goood times. heh. I ended up spending around $55 in beer that night though :( But in my defence, my parents told me in an email to go out and have a beer or two on them. I must have misread it at the time though, I could have sworn my mom wrote a beer or ten :)
The last couple days were about the same, just smaller amounts of beer every night. My bank account can only take so much of a beating. haha
So right now I'm just sitting in the hostel in Hobart waiting around. This place is kinda cool, its called the Pickled Frog :) Its kind of a pub/hostel, which is a good mix. There's a few Canadians here too, so its nice to talk to someone without an accent. But anyways, I ran into another girl here Saturday that I'd met on the Overland, she's the Israeli girl I mentioned last post. She wants to work at the same place as me so we're gonna hitch up to Launceston later today. She is kind of a magician at getting rides :)
Oh yeah, congrats to everyone back home who finished school! Have a beer or two (or ten...haha) on me!